
Dear Customer,
Regarding the purpose of the ECHA classification of substances of very high concern defined in Article 57 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 ("The REACH Regulation"), please be informed that our production consists on transformation of polypropylene and master batches by injection moulding process.
We also certify, that during the manufacturing of our products, we do not use or intentionally incorporate into them any additional additive.

The 1st of June 2008 started the first operational phase of REACH Regulation n. 1907/06: the pre-registration of chemical substances produced or imported in the European Community in quantities over the 1tonn/year.
Here attached a letter prepared with the pur pose to clarify PLASTIMEC‘s positions with reference to this regulation.

Visit the site REAH
Download the attachment REACH Regulation.doc
Download the attachment Declaraion for SVHC.pdf



We buy copolymer and homopolymer polypropylene (PP) only from suppliers who declare the absence of SVHC in their preparations. Our main supplier of PP is Borealis Group. Here attached their updated “Statement of substances of very high concern” for your reference.

Download the attachment "Borealis declaration.pdf"


Master Batches

The master batches are produced by Clariant Spa, after a deep check of their safety data sheets, in particular chapter 3, we noticed that there is no presence of SVHC (Substances of Very Hogh Concern).

For our personal interest and to guarantee an elevated products' safety, we are constantly in contact with the companies which supply us the chemical substances and the materials used in our production process.
As for our knowledge and the information that we collected from our suppliers, we can state that in our products there are not SVHC.

This declaration is accurate and reliable as of the date of publication.

In faith.

The Polypropylene, a friendly substance

The polypropylene (PP), raw material for all of our products, is a substance friend of the nature and can be easily recycled and regenerated to create new products.

The PP is a thermoplastic material that for its nature can pass several times from the solid to the liquid state, almost maintaining unchanged its characteristics. Besides the tubes to wrap spun, a lot of other PP moulded objects can be found every day; parts of cars, containers for foods, toys, appliances etc...
Our tubes are moulded with first-hand virgin PP, this PP is in chips that have never suffered the process of injection moulding before. The PP tube, once ended its function of support for the thread, is a particularly easy object to recycle since it is made of homogeneous material. For this reason it is very easy to find companies taking back the tubes cleaned by the thread, in order to grind and turn them into granule.
This granule can be used for different purposes:

  • Inactive material for non-conducting
  • Directly as raw material for the moulding
  • Material to draw for the compound production (car's sector)
  • Fuel
Definition of Polypropilene (link to Wikipedia's page)



Disposal of our products

The PP for its nature is the ideal material to be recycled many times. A PP piece results very resistant to the attacks of the time and of the normal chemical substances, therefore if it is not deformed or damaged during its use, it can have a long life. At the end of its operative life, a not polluted PP manufactured article can be ground and remoulded to become a new product.
It is particularly important to gather the PP waste separated from other thermoplastic substances, in fact the PP must not be polluted, or in very small percentages, in order to re-use it as raw material.
Also when the PP pieces are not destined to the recycle it is important to keep them separate from polluting substances. In fact not polluted products can be incinerated (with suitable equipment and on the base of the local rules) without producing harmful gas for the environment.
The disposal in dump, even if unadvisable, is possible because the PP does not release substances dangerous for the environment. 
Code API (Association of Plastic Industry): 5 PP.