
With the UE 93/112/EEC we got the necessary requirements to compile the safety data sheets and the 16 compulsory titles to include. The directive also establishes that a SDS (Safety Data Sheet) must be enclosed to the sale of dangerous substances or prepared. Every country of the European Community has followed these directives.
The dangerous substances have been listed in the 67/548/EEC directive and the dangerous prepared in the 88/379/EEC. According with these EEC directives the Polypropylene articles are not considered dangerous. Only if they are manufactured with high percentages of dangerous substances, they could become dangerous prepared.
It is for this reason that PLASTIMEC has decided not to produce the SDS, but to have the necessary declarations to prove that its articles are not dangerous.

Download the attachment Declaration not dangerous.doc


Useful general information about the polypropylene products

Most of our articles, especially those of the tubes' category, are produced in Polypropylene (PP).
For this reason we would like to make our clients aware of the information of general character about all the manufactured articles in PP. These information come from studies and tests of laboratory made by our suppliers of raw material.
The information contained in the attached file can be useful for the following purposes:

  • Stockage of material
  • Manipulation
  • Extinction of fire
Download the attachment Info Safety PP.doc
Packin in polyethylene thermo-settled sacks

Some of our articles are not supplied in cardboard boxes but in polyethylene thermo-settled sacks, that we call burden. The passage from the box to the burden is sometimes unpleasant for the personnel that has to use it.
We attach a Word document that explains the advantages of the pack in burdens and how it is better to use.